Wednesday 9 April 2014

Spring in the Don Valley

The farmhouse is still buried under snow and ice while spring has sprung here in Toronto, farther south and closer to the lake. And so a photo essay on the signs of spring - human, flora and feathered fauna in the Don River Valley.

The metal "detecters" are out
Buried treasure?
A fence festooned with DSV, the invasive Dog Strangling Vine
Each DSV seed head has burst open laying the ground for this season's infestation 
Scylla hasn't seen the light. The ice in the tunnel under the railway track looks like primordial concrete!
Dealing with fallout from the Dec. 22 ice storm
Moving the debris for chipping 
The arborists, back on the road again, after rowing across the river to reach the west bank
Scum caught in the relatively stagnant "ditch" between the DVP and the bike path
Ducks gathering on a sandbar in the sun beside the fast-moving swollen Don River

A Red winged Blackbird, the first harbinger of spring
The valley is filled with the distinctive call of Red winged Blackbirds
Spring is really underway when the Robins arrive
Trees stripped of their foliage reveal bird nests

A home of another sort on the bank of the river
Another invasive, Japanese Knotweed, which won't stay downtrodden long
Garlic Mustard, yet another invasive species to our woods and forests
Stinging Nettle, a biennial native to many parts of the world, including North America
Some welcome colour in the monochromatic landscape, a Highbush Cranberry with its red berries
And a stunning stand of Red Osier Dogwood
Back in Riverdale Park East squirrel nests are visible in many of the big hardwoods

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